À propos
Presented by: Chaplain Brian Krushel Course Description: Well-equipped police chaplaincy programs can successfully offer chaplaincy services within a diverse police culture. Regardless of their personal beliefs, chaplains must be prepared to work along side with, assist, and otherwise serve among others whose faiths and spiritual understanding and practices they may not share. This course seeks to provide chaplains with a basic understanding of the spiritual and religious diversity in society, and more specifically, in the agency(s) they serve. After completing this course, learners will: 1. Be more cognizant of the diversity of Canadian society. 2. Identify the religions commonly practiced in their service’s coverage area. 3. Evaluate their police service’s support (of lack thereof) for spiritually diverse chaplaincy and how well their service reflects the variety of faith expressions among its members, both sworn and civilian, and their families. 4. Recognize ways in which religions distinguish themselves. 5. State how their own faith expression states “The Golden Rule”. 6. When given several chaplaincy scenarios, correctly describe how they would handle the situation within a spiritually diverse chaplaincy setting.
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